Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Utada Hikaru!

Utadaのポストです. Utadaはだいすきですよそしてとてもゆうめいです.Utadaのうたがきれいです. Colorsがとてもきれいです I've been waiting months to have a reason to make this post, そしていまわたしのにほんごくらすいろをならいます. かんぺきですよ!Final distanceをきれいですこれどもかなしいです. It’s sad because she devoted the song to a student killed in school (ごめんなさい, きまじめですね). かんけつにUtadaはコロンビアだいがくのがくせいでした, おもしろいね?Utadaはにほんごとえいごをしります.Utada is famous in America for her songs on Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II, Simple and Clean (ひかり) and Sanctuary (Passion), でもえいごとにほんごでUtadaはすごいうたをかきました: I recommend everyone giving her songs a listen (I'll be putting more songs from her and other artists up in the future).

Monday, October 11, 2010



Picture Perfect Love

Miss You