Wednesday, February 16, 2011

About Communication

To communicate effectively, one must convey their ideas clearly and thoroughly. They have to speak loudly and clearly, and use vocabulary the listener can understand. In addition, the person has to be able to listen to ideas as well as they can convey them.

An autonomous learner will take on projects for themselves to better their understanding. One thing students could do is to watch a Japanese show or anime (like Cowboy Bebop) or listen to a Japanese artist (like M-Flo).

From the project I expect to learn how to better communicate ideas to people I can't see. Also, I expect to become better with working in groups and better at writing and producing short shows.

Communication is, simply put, the exchange of ideas.


Odori247 said...

わたしの もとカレが "アニメは Cowboy Bebopだけを 見ることが できます” 言った。(My last boyfriend said that the only anime I could watch was Cowboy Bebop.) もとカレが アニメが あまり 好き じゃ ありません。

ピーター said...

すこしたいへんですね. カレが アニメが あまり 好き じゃ ありません か. わかりません. わるい アニメがあります. でも, とてもいい アニメがたくさんあります. そして, アニメでにほんごをべんきょうすることができます, ね. Cowboy Bebop や Code Geass だいすきですよ.

Unknown said...

Yes indeed. Exchange of ideas is the primordial thing. after all we are social animals :D

Johni said...

I definitely agreed that clarity is one of the most important requirements for successful communication!
You make your point so concisely, I admire your style!